What is Creeping Beggarweed?
Creeping beggarweed grows mostly in the Southeast U.S. and lays low to the ground, producing pink flowers and leaves with three elliptical-shaped, pointed leaflets with rounded bases. The stems and leaves are hairy, making it easy to identify this weed as it grows. Creeping beggarweed grows from a large taproot and can reproduce by seeds, stolons or segments of its taproot.
How to Kill and Control Beggarweed
Because beggarweed can spread in multiple ways, it may take a few applications of postemergent herbicides to eliminate it from lawns. When this weed is young, apply a two- or three-way product to translocate the active ingredients through the foliage and roots. Keeping the grass mowed at a proper height and watering the lawn to create dense turf will help to curb this weed's ability to spread.